
Jesus said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me..."

Mark 10:14

At Central Baptist Church we believe children are a gift from God, and that we have the responsibility to train, love, and support them in learning about the God Who created them. We believe that it is our duty to use every moment we are given to point them to the Savior and let them know that He loves them. 

Sunday Mornings


Sunday School
In the Sunday School class the children learn about Jesus. During the class the children will sing, draw, have discussion and listen to a lesson focused on the Biblical message for the day.


Children's Church
The children will remain in the Sanctuary with the adults for the first portion of the service, then proceed to the Children's Church classroom for the Bible lesson.

Sunday and WedNESDAY Evenings

Sunday 6pm-7pm

A time of singing and a Bible lesson.

Wednesday 6pm-7pm

A time of singing, a Bible lesson,
and Bible facts instruction.

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